16 mei 2016

Use a character with an overbar in PPT 2013

There are several methods to have a character with an overbar.

Use an equation

Choose Insert tab, click on the Equation button in the Symbols group.

Under Equation tools, Design tab, Structures group, click on Accent button, select the bar accent.

Click in the box and type your character, then click outside of the equation to place it on the slide.

Use Insert Symbol

Type your character, choose Insert - Symbol. Select the font in the list of fonts, at the bottom choose Unicode Hex, choose the subset Combined diacritical marks. Not all fonts offer such characters. Frequently used fonts do with varying results. Select the Combining macron or Combining overline character and click Insert.

See a few examples below, respectively Normal text, Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Tahoma.

Use a keyboard combination

Type your character, press Alt+0773 (numeric keyboard), release, press spacebar.

You can, of course add other ones e.g.. 0770, 0771 or 0774

Use the Character map app in Windows 10 (all versions of Windows have this app). 

Acces the app by clicking in the search bar on the Windows taskbar and typing CharMap.exe, then press enter.
  1. Choose your font
  2. Type your character
  3. Next to group by choose Unicode subrange
  4. Choose Combining diacritical marks
  5. Select the character
  6. Click the Select button
  7. Click the Copy button
  8. Close the app

In PowerPoint paste the copied symbol in your placeholder or textbox.

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