14 december 2019

Wrap text around a picture in PPT 2019 (review)

This is a rewrite of a previous article: Let text flow around object

Unfortunately there is still no possibility to wrap text around a picture in PPT 2019. You have to get the job done in Word and import the result to PPT.

In Word

Activate Word and type the text that has to wrap around the picture.

Add your picture to your document. Click Insert and choose Picture or Online picture and add it to the text. The picture is added at the cursor position, in line with the text.

Click the Layout options button next to your picture. Choose the Tight option. You can also do this by clicking on the See more option at the bottom and choose the Text wrapping tab. Click Tight and the radio button Right only.

Move the picture by dragging it so that the text is where you want it.

Click outside the picture.

You can follow the same procedure if you use a shape. Add your shape to the Word document using Insert - Shape, select the oval and drag a perfect circle by pressing the shift+key. By default the shape will be on top of the text.

Select the shape and click the Layout options button, choose Tight. You can also do this by clicking on the See more option at the bottom and choose the Text wrapping tab. Click Tight and the radio button Right only.

Move the shape by dragging it so that the text is where you want it.

In PowerPoint

Now select the text and the picture/shape and copy them. Switch to PPT and click the Paste button, select the Paste special option.

In the dialog click the Microsoft Word document object option.

Edit the text

Double click the object to edit it. You can also right click and choose Document object and edit. You can do this with both the picture and shape object. You will get the Word ribbon inside PPT.

Click outside the object to place it on the slide.


PPT files with inserted document objects may take more time to open.

If you do not have to edit the text afterwards then you should paste as a picture.

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