21 maart 2023

Use tab key to increase/decrease levels in bullet lists in PPT 2019

When you press the tab key in a bullet list PPT increases the level of the bullet. When you press the combination shift+tab key it decreases the level. You can format the bullets in the slide master. If the tab key does not work that means your cursor is not in a bullet list or the bullets have been turned off. Then the tab key will act as an ordinary tab.

Pressing the tab key with the cursor in a list gives the following result (I formatted the slide master so that each level starts under the text of the previous level) :

If you switch off the bullets you get the following result, the levels follow the default tab stops of one inch:

If you switch off the bullets and use the promote/demote buttons in the paragraph group you get the same results, with the cursor in a bulleted list the next/previous level, with bullets off you get a left indent:

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