10 juli 2010

Sections in PPT 2010

Sections in PPT 2010

In PowerPoint 2010, you can use Sections to organize slides in any manner you like.

You could compare it to using the folder system in Windows Explorer. You can group slides into categories. For instance if several presenters will be giving part of a presentation you can create a section for each presenter. Or you can make sections for each and every topic in your presentation... 

Here's a sample of sections I used to give an overview of PPT 2010.
You can view the sections in normal view on your left. You can collapse or expand them as wanted. In the example all the sections have been collapsed.

The best view for your sections is Slide sorter view though, which makes it even easier to move slides from one section to the other.

Sections are easy to organize, just right click a section and choose from the context menu:

And as a bonus you can print sections of slides individually!!!

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