08 december 2012

Remove the built-in themes from PPT 2010

Some people do not want the built-in themes to appear in the user interface. They only want their custom theme(s) to appear as indicated with the red arrow on the screenshot below.

You can remove the themes from the ribbon on the design tab.

Go to Windows Explorer, search for Drive\Progam Files\Microsoft Office\Document Themes14. You will find all your themes there.

Now either rename that folder or move all the themes to another folder, preferably a subfolder of your Document Themes Folder.

Start PowerPoint and go to the Design tab, your Built-in themes are gone. You will see that there are still themes present, those are the Office.com themes. If you want to get rid of those keep reading this blog, in one of my next entries I will show you how to remove them.

The built-in themes are gone though. I would not suggest to remove these themes, merely move them. In case you need them later.

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