14 augustus 2015

Animate parts of a table - part 3, multiple tables

Create multiple tables and animate them

In the first step you select every row you wish to animate. Copy the row, click outside the table to deselect it and paste it back on the slide.

When you select the copied row you will see that in fact it is a separate table. During the creation of the table a table style was applied, so you will get the colour of the first row (black) when you paste.

To get the right colour for every row, select the new table, on the Design tab in the Table style options group you reinstate the correct colour. For the light coloured rows remove the check next to Header row and Banded rows. For the dark coloured rows only remove the check next to Header row.

Now remove the rows from the original table. Align all the tables, use your keyboard arrow keys to move them instead of dragging them with the mouse.

As a last step, select every table and apply an entrance animation effect. Use on click and adjust the timing.

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