06 januari 2010

Draw checkerboard - part 2

Draw checkerboard - part 2 - format

In order to be able to format the checkerboard further we will turn the table into a graphic.
Select your table - hit the copy button on the Start tab - click Paste button - Paste special - choose Picture enhanced metafile.

Now your table has been transformed into a graphic. See the contextual tab that has changed to Picture tools in stead of Table tools.

In the Picture styles group click the dialogstarter arrow, in the dialog 'Format picture' choose Fill, check radio button next to picture or bitmap fill, click on the bitmap pattern button, choose a suitable fill, here I have chosen the first pattern, papyrus.

In the Picture styles group click the Picture effects button. Choose bevel and select the last icon of the first row:

Now click the Picture effects button again and choose 3D-rotation, under Perspective, click on the second icon from row 2.

Finally click on 3D-rotation again and choose 3D-rotation options at the bottom. Adjust your checkerboard rotation as needed using the different tools.

Your checkerboard should now look like this:

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