14 oktober 2013

Add connector points to a circle

If you want to use a connector point to a circle you are limited to 8 connector points.

Adding a connector point is vitually impossible. Right-clicking on the circle and choosing Edit points, and add point, deforms the circle completely.

Here's a workaround (thanks to Rich007a from the Microsoft Answers newsgroup):

  1. Draw a 32 point star shape
  2. Use the yellow diamond adjuster and drag to become a perfect circle.
  3. Right-click the shape, choose Edit points
  4. Right-click one of the black points and choose Straight segment
  5. Now draw a connector line, all 32 points are available

1-2 : Draw 32-point shape and drag
3 : Edit points

4 : Straight segment

5 : Connect to the circle

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