16 december 2013

Where's the Office online clip art gallery gone in PPT 2010?

Don't get me wrong, you still can search for clipart using the search for field on top of the task pane. And PPT will return some clipart. But there are a few reasons why you would want to go to Office online directly.

Here are a few:
  1. You will get more results there.
  2. You can access the properties of the picture.
  3. You can select clipart with the same style.
  4. You can make use of the search for similar images.
Microsoft changed the way to look for pictures and clip art. Till quite recently one could click on the Find more on Microsoft.com link at the bottom of the Clip Art task pane. It would take you to the Office online ClipArt gallery. It no longer does.

In stead of the gallery you now get this screen:

So what can we do about it? The old site is still available, here's the link to it:


Bookmark it so it is easily available.

UPDATE - january 2015
Apparently Microsoft has decided to remove the Office clip art completely.
From now on you can only use clip art provided by a Bing search. When you click on Find more on Office.com you get nothing.

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