22 mei 2020

Morph with SmartArt in PPT 2019

You can use the Morph transition on slides containing SmartArt. Below there is an example of a SmartArt object from the list category, Alternating picture blocks.

After inserting the object type the text in the textboxes, insert the images by clicking on the picture icon. Finally insert a text box on top of the SmartArt object. Format the text in bold and shadow and apply a suitable text size.

Then activate the Selection pane (Alt +F10) and rename the smartart object and textbox with a suitable name preceeded by two exclamation marks.

Now duplicate the first slide 4 times.

On the second and following slides select the SmartArt picture and enlarge it using the Larger button in the Shapes group on the Format tab of SmartArt tools.

On the same tab you can change the shape by using the Change shape button just above the Larger button. Move the picture and the textbox to the needed position.

Change the formatting of the textbox by changing the size and colour of the text.

Repeat this whole process for the next slides.

Now select slides 2-5 and apply the Morph transition from the Transition tab.

Change the duration of the transition if needed using the Duration option in the Timings group.

By renaming the objects you can use the Morph transition to the full extent.

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