31 mei 2022

Linken naar dia in PPT 2021

Heb je feedback nodig van een collega bij een dia of presentatie? Je kan nu een link delen door rechts te klikken op de dia en te kiezen voor Koppeling naar deze dia.

Klik in het dialoogvenster op de knop KopiĆ«ren, klik op het pijltje naast 'Iedereen kan editeren' en bepaal zelf of iedereen of enkel bepaalde personen kunnen editeren. Geef een verloopdatum of paswoord op indien nodig. 

De gekopieerde link kan je gebruiken in een email, Teams, chat en dergelijke.

Opgelet ! De ontvanger van de link heeft toegang tot de volledige presentatie, bij het gebruiken van de link komt hij/zij terecht op de gekozen dia.

21 mei 2022

Link to slide in PPT 2021

Need feedback on a slide or presentation? You can now right-click a slide and choose Link to this slide.

This will give you the following share screens, click Copy and then click on the arrow next to anyone... to decide whether anyone can edit or only specific people. Set an expiration date or password if necessary:

You now can use the copied link in an email, chat or Teams. Be aware that your colleague or correspondent will gain access to the complete presentation. Upon using the link he/she will end up on the slide you chose.

14 mei 2022

Use non breaking space in PPT 2019

It can be useful to use a no-break space in a text box in PPT. This way you can avoid that words or abbreviations are improperly distributed over several lines.

Use a symbol

Choose Insert - Symbol - Font Normal - Subset Latin-1 supplement - Select the character no break space and click Insert and then Close.

In the example below the space between the abbreviated first names has been replaced with a no-break space. So J. K. is considered as one indivisible word. If it does not fit the end of the line it will be completely transfered to the next line.

Use a keyboard combination
Hold down the ALT-key and key in 0160 on your numeric pad, release the Alt key.

09 mei 2022

New icons and illustrations in PPT 2021

Starting with PPT 2021 there are more possibilities to use illustrations, icons. These are included in the new Picture button on the ribbon. Click Insert - Picture - and choose the new item Stock pictures.

Now you can choose from a few categories: images, icons, callout people, stickers, videos, illustrations and cartoon people. All of the options are further devided into several subcategories.

The images are free for use in PPT.

There is an expanded set of icons. You can also still get at them using Insert - Icons on the Insert tab.

The cutout people tab contains png images of people. They all have a transparent background. 

The stickers tab is completely new and contains some funny cartoon like pictures. Not to use in a professional environment though.

The video tab is new also. These are small videos which loop until stopped.

The illustrations tab contains illustrations in grey scale with a yellow popup. The yellow popup can have another colour, select the illustration click on the Graphics format tab and choose Graphic fill, then choose your new fill. See the example below:

Illustrations are svg files which means they are defined by an equation. You can change these by converting them to a PPT object. Illustrations have the same behaviour as icons to change them see my article: Use and change icons in PPT

Svg stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. These are high quality images that can be scaled to any size without losing quality. No pixelation whatsoever. On top of that they are much smaller in size.

Finally the last category is cartoon people. In this category you can assemble your own cartoon character. Below is an example: