02 oktober 2010

Use the notes pages as handouts in PPT 2007 - 2010

Use the notes pages as handouts in PPT 2007 - 2010

A while ago someone asked me if PPT could produce handouts, one slide a page, with lines underneath the slide to allow the user to write down notes during the slideshow.
PowerPoint can produce handouts with one slide a page but does not allow to take notes at the same time. You cannot edit the handouts master.
Fortunately you can get around it by using the notes pages instead.
Here's what you need to do:
  1. Activate the notes master, View tab, Presentations views group, Notes master button.
  2. First drag the notes placeholder off the master slide, this way you will not loose your speaker notes.
  3. Adjust the slide thumbnail placeholder if need be. Remove the other placeholders if you do not need them. Move the placeholder to the top.
  4. Now activate the grid, right click on the master slide and choose Grid and guides.
  5. Set the grid to 1 cm and check Show grid box.
  6. Insert tab, Illustrations group, click the Shapes button, right click the line tool and choose to block it.
  7. Draw the lines one by one using the grid. Then select all the lines and group them together.
  8. Close notes view.
  9. Go to the print menu and print your notes pages.
If you need to print your speaker notes, just drag the grouped lines off the master and drag the notes placeholder back into place.

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