02 oktober 2010

Use a Word outline in PPT 2007-PPT 2010

Use a Word outline in PPT 2007

If you need to make slides out of a Word outline in PPT 2007 you have two choices.
Import the outline directly in PPT.
  1. Home Ribbon - Slides group - New Slide button
  2. Choose Slides from outline, at the bottom.
  3. Select the Word document in question. Headings from the top level will start a new slide, headings from a lower level will deliver a bullet level under the main slide title.
Add the Send to button to the Quick Access toolbar In Word 2010.
  1. Office buttonchoose Options for Word
  2. Click Customize, under Select commands from, choose All commands.
  3. Select the function Send to Microsoft Office PowerPoint
  4. Click Add button, close
  5. Now open your Word document, click on the added button, a new PPT presentation will be produced containing all the outline titles.
Use a Word outline in PPT 2010
  1. Home ribbon - Slides group - New slide button
  2. Choose Slides from outline, at the bottom.
  3. Select the Word document in question. Headings from the top level will start a new slide, headings from a lower level will deliver a bullet level under the main title slide.
Add a button to the QAT in Word 2010
  1. File, choose Options
  2. Select Quick Access toolbar
  3. Under Select commands from, choose All commands.
  4. Select the function Send to Microsoft Office PowerPoint
  5. Click Add button, Close
  6. Open your Word document, click on the button you added, a new PPT presentation will be produced containing all the outline titles.

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