21 december 2015

Use part of a picture in PowerPoint 2013, combine shapes

I have explained the use of the combine shapes function in previous articles.

Combine shapes

Look here for some practical examples:
Make your own callout
Make your own callout (2)
Make your own callout (3)

This time I am going to use Combine shapes to extract part of a picture. Sometimes you do not need the whole picture but a certain part.

Of course I could use the Crop function. But this time I will choose Combine shapes and leave cropping to another article.

Insert your picture on the slide.
Draw your shape and place it above the picture. You can choose any shape, but in this case I will -choose the rectangle.

Remove the fill and border (under Drawing tools, buttons Picture fill and Picture border).

First select your picture, then the shape.
Click Drawing tools, click Format, Insert shapes group. Finally click on Merge shapes.

You need the Intersect option.

All that is left is the desired part of the picture. No need to compress to get rid of the excess parts of the picture.

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