18 januari 2016

Move and enlarge a picture with a click, then return to original size and position - PPT 2013

Take a look a this slide, it has three pictures, I want to enlarge them and move them to the green box, then return to their original position and size. You can download the original file (without the animations) here:

You can do that by combining two animations. You need a motion path and the emphasis effect Grow and shrink.

To make things easier, use some drawing guides to position the picture. Press Alt+F9 and move the guides by dragging them to the desired position.

On the Animation tab, click Add animation, choose More motion paths, Down.

Drag the red end point to the intersection of the two guide lines. Then click next to the picture.

Now add the emphasis effect Grow and shrink, start with previous, apply the grow percentage (this may require some trial and error) till it fills the green rectangle. In my case I have set the grow percentage to 235%.

Now select the picture again and apply a second motion path, for instance Up. Select the motion path and drag the green beginning point (circle) to the intersection of the guides. Then drag the end point (circle) to the original setting (the ghost picture helps to do that quickly and accurately).

Now apply the emphasis effect again to start with previous, apply the shrink percentage by dividing 100 by the grow percentage. For instance for the first picture this would be 100/235%= 42,55%.

The animation pane now looks like this:

Now copy the animation effects to the other pictures using the Animation painter.

Activate the selection pane (press Alt+F10) and hide the pictures you do not want to work with. That makes it easier to adjust the motion path(s).

Select the second motion path and drag it away, the first motion path stays in place.

Drag the green (circle) beginning point to the intersection of the two guides. Then drag the red (circle) endpoint to the original position of the image.

Now select the first motion path and drag the red (circle) endpoint to the intersection of the two guides.

Copy the animation effects using the animation painter for the third picture, the first animation path moves upwards the second downwards, you will also need to apply a different grow and shrink percentage as the picture has other dimensions.

Of course these steps mean that you can't choose the order in which the pictures appear. If you want to choose which picture you want to show in a random way, you will have to apply a trigger. This is the subject of my next message.

For ppt 2016-2019

The procedure is still valid, but the alternative is to use the new Morph function.
See Move/enlarge picture with click,return to the original position and size in PPT 2019.html

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