11 mei 2021

Save a PPT drawing as a svg file - PPT 2019

Starting with Office 2016 PPT can handle svg files. Svg stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. These are high quality images that can be scaled to any size without losing quality. No pixelation whatsoever. On top of that they are much smaller in size.

The svg format is ideal for logos, line art and graphs an icons.

You can now save a drawing you made in PPT as a svg picture. Here's a sample of a logo I created using the shape tools in PPT. On the left the ungrouped drawing on the right the grouped one.

To save the drawing right-click it and choose Save as picture, in the file type save as list choose Scalable Vector graphic format (*.svg).

To compare with other formats I also saved the logo as a png and jpg file.

Then I looked up the size in the folder. Here are the results:

In a second attempt I gave the letters of the logo a colour gradient. That still works.

In a third attempt I gave the text box a pattern fill (horizontal lines). That did not go down well for the png and jpg picture, the quality is poor. For the svg there is no problem.

The svg picture can still be edited off course, just select the picture and under Picture tools click the format tab and choose Convert to shapes in the Edit group. But then you will loose the pattern fill/gradient.

If you want to make you own icon or edit existing ones (which are all svg) see my article:

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