20 maart 2010

Play sound by clicking on picture (1) (2003-2007-2010)

Play sound by clicking on picture

There are several ways to achieve just that in PowerPoint 2003.
Let us start with the easiest way.
  1. Select your picture.
  2. Right-click it, choose Action settings
  3. Select the checkbox next to Play sound.
  4. Click the listarrow and choose Other sound.
  5. Browse to your sound (only sound files of the wave type will do), select it. Click OK, OK.
Here are the steps for PowerPoint 2007/2010
  1. Select your picture.
  2. Go to the Insert tab.
  3. In the Links group, click the Action button.
  4. Select the checkbox next to Play sound.
  5. Click the listarrow and choose Other sound.
  6. Browse to your sound (only sound files of the wave type will do), select it. Click OK, OK.

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