09 mei 2013

Link to a specific range in Excel

How can you link to a specific range in an Excel file?

You have to create a named range in Excel, you can do that in two ways.

Select the range you want to give a name, click in the Name box just above column A. Type the name of your range and press enter.

Or, go to the Formula tab, click on the Define name button in the Defined names group.

In the New Name dialog that appears you enter the name and the range (observe the underscore in the name, spaces are not allowed). Click OK.

Save your Excel document and close it.

In PowerPoint select the object you want to apply the link to. Click Insert - Hyperlink - in the dialog box under link to the option Existing file or web page should already be active.

Browse to the folder that contains the Excel document you want to link to and select it.

Now in the address box edit the link as follows, at the very end add #Name Range in my case I added #Outback_Lager.

Once you viewed the document, close the Excel window and you will return to your original slide.

As mentioned in previous entries the warning message will appear, just add the Excel document to your trusted locations and you should be alright.

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